
Saturday, 6 December 2008

My Last Week in Singapore

Home for the last eight months
This is it then, my last week in Singapore.
Khamma extended her stay in this fair city courtesy of the PAD and PPP's antics in Bangkok, good news for both of us. She is now leaving on Friday at the same as me and we will meet up in Bangkok and travel to Thamuang on Saturday.
I am feeling a little sad to be leaving Singapore. I have had a great time with plenty of highlights fresh in my memory. The people, especially in the airport, have made me very welcome although I have had difficulty in getting used to some of the cultural habits. The project is complete, on time and on budget (as they say!), and the system works very well, which of course it always would. It is time to move on.
This week we will be packing up to send stuff to Hong Kong, Thailand and obviously to carry back to England. It is a bit of a balancing act to try avoid excess baggage charges but I think we will manage some how with a few practice runs. Attempting to get a DVD system back to Owerrrouse will be a big achievement if we manage it.

The swimming pool at Bayshore Park

Today after a swim in the pool we had a tandem cycle ride, along the East Coast Road in very warm sunshine. We blended into the crowds who were enjoying the holiday weekend, and ended the day watching the sunset over the city. I thought how lucky I have been over the years to go to so many places with my job and made a conscious mental note of the moment.

I fixed this moment in the memory for the inevitable bad day

Tomorrow is a public holiday but I will be finishing documentation ready for the official hand over on Tuesday. Tuesday night is the Office Christmas party with compulsory attendance, so I had better be on my best behaviour. Wednesday and Thursday will soon pass and then we depart on Friday, probably with a tear in the eye.

I am looking forward to relaxing in the village and weighing up what we features we should add to the house. Ahead of this schedule though a store is being built because the mice are having a field day munching on the new rice temporarily stored in the kitchen Thai. Nobody likes this and the longer it goes on more mice will appear. Watch out for the update on the store and the mice.

Khamma planted some melon trees and they have produced their first fruit. Yes you guessed it we are looking forward to thirst quenching melons, watching the rice house being built and catching mice!

I have missed friends and family back in the UK and going back home is going to be great to catch up. I am particularly looking forward to seeing my daughter Clare and of course my parents. Clare is a big part of my life and always will be. We have been close over the years and she is now making her own way in the world, and I don't think much will stop her, but my love for her is unconditional. I look forward to that hug! Mum and Dad have put up with a lot from me over the years and my love for them is often unspoken but never diminished. I know we will all have a good time over the holiday.

Of course Khamma will be meeting lots of new people and she is very excited with the holiday. Everybody will make her welcome and help have a holiday she will never forget. This is going to be great Christmas for us all.

Then when its over its back to Asia and Hong Kong. But that is the future and there is a lot going to happen before then.

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