
Friday, 20 March 2009

1 CAR 1 Obituary

You may remember that when we visited the UK last Christmas Khamma and I had more than our fair share of bad luck. One of the incidents of the troubled holiday was the theft of the car we had hired from 1-CAR-1, and the subsequent lack of sympathy and woeful customer care they displayed as they literally left us stranded after their point blank refusal to replace the car. In the process certain individuals made us feel like the accused rather than the victims of an unpleasant experience by the assumption that until the car was recovered we were blacklisted and would not enter into another agreement with us. This maybe common practice in the cheap and dirty end of the car hire market, but that didn’t placate me at the time.
Now it seems that 1-CAR-1 is now on the receiving end of some bad luck because it is announced on their website that they have been put into administration. (Thanks for tip Bruce).
‘Oh dear’ Khamma said. ‘Up to them’ she added.
I can’t say I am pleased and overjoyed because there will be several good people that were employed deep within this tin pot organisation that deserve a lot better than a letter from the administrator. I didn’t talk to any of them during my brief acrimonious relationship, but they will be in there somewhere and I feel for them. It is the senior and middle managers I direct my jibes to; the ones who thought they knew how to treat their staff and talk to customers, the same ones who cowardly instructed their staff to fob off their ‘valued’ customers and treat them as they did, without respect. Well they do so no more! I imagine they are sat home watching ‘infomercials’ and licking their wounds. I imagine the unfortunate staff, the real people, are wondering that if, just if, they had been managed to treat all their customers with a little bit of courtesy and respect they might just be still in a job.
‘Never mind’ said Khamma. Amen to that!

1 comment:

  1. I have no doubt they will not be the only hire car company on the way "out", and probably good riddance to them all the same!
