
Tuesday 28 April 2009

What on Earth are They Thinking About?

We all make mistakes from time to time, especially at work. Some of us live in dread of the consequences of a wrong decision here or a misplaced judgement there, and as you get older and wiser the fear of the mistakes doesn't diminish. But I suppose as one gets older other people's mistakes can be judged using an accumulation of experience gained over one's lifetime. But occasionally some mistakes of monumental proportion hit the headlines that it beggars belief what was going on in the person's head.
I have come across two such instances this week and I have to share them with you, dear reader.
Firstly there is the unbelievable admission by the owners of the new Wembley Stadium that the micro climate generated by the design of the stadium is detrimental to the growing conditions required by the grass on the pitch. Excuse me for being thick but isn't this the national stadium, designed at phenomenal expense, and over spent by who knows what the real amount was? Isn't the primary purpose of Wembley Stadium to watch football matches on a pristine pitch? I wish I could see the terms of reference and the objectives of the project. I bet somewhere it mentions football and pitch in the same sentance. It is a disgrace and an insult to the football public of England for FA to say we built you a stadium fit for a World Cup final, but we forgot about the pitch. What rubbish!
The other big monumental mistake was made in New York City Hall yesterday. Somebody in there gave permission for a 747 plane, owned by the President of America, and an air force jet fighter, owned by the US Air Force, to fly together at low altitude over the city. His mistake was he didn't tell any of New York's residents, not even the City Mayor knew what was going on. What would you do if you were walking down 5th Avenue, looked up, and saw these aircraft flying very low? Would you think 'Oh, look they are flying a bit low'. Or would you think 'Gez H Christ, get the *%^k out of here now' and run like crazy just in case you were about to die from a terrorist attack or yet another crashed aircraft that failed to take off from JFK, Newark or La Guardia? This city doesn't need reminding of 9/11, or airplanes landing on the Hudson river, but the stupid, idiot, moron 'son of a bitch' in the City Hall does! What a dense pillock.
Double click on the link to see BBC footage.

Normal service will resume tomorrow.


  1. This helped me a lot.

  2. Thamuang Farang5 June 2011 at 11:04

    Thanks for your comment. When I re-read the blog I thought it was a rant. You also inspired me to start again - so thank you as well.
